Too much grief lately. I'll miss you Dad.
My other blog: "The Way I See It"
Posted by
The Artful Eye
6:00 PM
It's been some time, hasn't it? and what's with all the
comment spam? I guess when you vacate the premises
for a few months, the neighborhood goes downhill and
the riff raff begins to sniff around. I hope it's just a
passing trend. I'd hate to start messing with comment
verification, boo hoo.
My time away has not been filled with wonder and
adventure, but filled with coping and rebuilding a broken
heart. The path I've been on has been interesting in that
I have had to find great strength and acceptance in the face
of fear, sadness and grief. Many valuable lessons are being
learned while a warrior rebuilds herself. These are not, I
repeat, NOT easy lessons, do not try this alone.
In my previous post I was an empty cavity. I wasn't quite
sure how I would rebuild myself. I stared at this self-portrait
now for months and at each stage contemplated how she
spoke to me as I began to patch myself up and refill the coffers.
I painted and scored my heart many times, different colors
before I decided it felt more like BLUE. It didn't feel right
being red or yellow and by this time it was no longer a
black blob.
I felt blue, still suffocating by my insurgent thoughts,
reining terror on my overloaded mind, but healing, slowly.
My blue heart had to stand out. So I painted
the background a fiery red. The imagery and
words stamped into the dress pattern paper were to be
read as affirmations, food for thought.
"100 percent authentic, quality, strength,
durability, safety, approved, for amusement only,
the game of life, start at the beginning, playing by
the rules" Rules? there are no rules.
The pattern numbers, reminded me of longitude and
latitude, the meridians of my particular place in all of
this change, where was I ? where was I headed?
The pattern symbols notches, arrows, fold lines
strategically placed with scratches and stitches added to
depict wounds.
The faces reminded me of family, friends, support.
If you look closely you can see my spine, strong
enough to carry some weight, some call it baggage.
I'd like to refer to it as experience except now without
burden and with acceptance.
The First NobleTruth- "Dukkha" Sanskrit for 'the truth
of suffering' The existence of impermanence.
Simply. "Nothing Good or Bad Lasts Forever"
In all of this I have thought of YOU, those who have
greater suffering, can suffering be measured? or is it how
we choose to acknowledge it? YOU are in my prayers,
my dear family, my friends and those I've yet to meet
I send you comfort, love, compassion and peace.
~ Andrea aka "ThE ArTfuL EyE" and "The Way I See It"
Posted by
The Artful Eye
2:58 PM
Labels: mixed media sculpture, self portrait
I'll call this grief art. Not grunge, grief.
My beginnings of a self-portrait art doll.
Here I am building the armature, the structural
framework for what will come next.
My posture is contemplative. I am staring down
into an empty cavity.
Where is my heart?
It looks like a black blob.
This is how I feel. Empty, hollow.
This armature will be covered with
paper mache in the coming days.
Hopefully my head will stay in place.
I really like the eerieness of the armature at
this stage with the shadows that the light has
cast, as though I have multiple arms and my
body like that of an xray. I can see through
myself, not for long.
"There are as many nights as days, and one
is just as long as the other in a years course.
A happy life cannot be without a measure of
darkness, and the word 'happy' would lose it's
meaning if not balanced by 'sadness'. -Carl Jung
Looking for balance and harmony.
Thank you for your visits and kind words.
~ Andrea
My other blog "The Way I See It"
Posted by
The Artful Eye
6:55 PM
Labels: mixed media, wire sculpture
9 x 12 140# cold press watercolor paper
collage fodder a.k.a. stuff papers, old and new
foam stamps, Caran d'ache water soluble
Aren't long vacations supposed to help revive a person?
For the past couple of weeks I feel like I'm chasing
my fish tail, that's right my fish tale.
Long story short...
Swimming upstream, a single wing damselfly in distress,
an incomplete metamorphosis, toting a single hawk
wing. All dressed up an no place to go.
But wait, I do have an asparagus crown. Does this count for
Our vacation was wonderful, a single flight to
the great city of New York where we picked up our
rented vehicle and traveled to places far and near,
visiting new haunts and old, with family and friends
some old acquaintenances and some new.
Gerard and I had the wonderful opportunity to meet
another blog friend John Mora of Typos.Daylight.Fate
it was a fragment in time at Fire Island National Seashore
with his lovely wife Marie and 3 beautiful children.
A moment we'll treasure.
We travelled through the Pennyslvania Dutch Country,
eyeing beautiful lush green pastures, fields of corn,
red covered bridges, picking up roadside produce from
our sweet Amish and Mennonite friends who work
tirelessly tilling soil and managing livestock and farms.
Hardworking, beautiful people.
Trekking down to Gettysburg, PA
to pay respect to those who fought valiantly for a country
divided, hallowed grounds- now common.
Onward toward to our great capital city Washington, D.C.
to spend time with my sister, brother-in-law and
my new twin nieces.
Next stop Virginia Beach, and Cape Hatteras on
the North Carolina's spectacular OuterBanks.
Breaking shore, dipping sun, warm ocean breeze,
breathtaking, refreshing, mind cleansing.
Kill Devil Hills and Kitty Hawk where the Wright Bros.
took to their first flight.
Further trekking now heading west through
North Carolina in search of the Great Smoky and
and the Blue Ridge Mountains.
I believed I had seen green trees before but never,
NEVER have I ever seen so many beautiful varieties
of trees in one location. Deciduous,
Coniferous, Evergreen all there, canopies that
go on forever, enchanted forests, lakes and mountains.
Final stretch and our destination for departure
Nashville, TN home of the Grand Ole Opry and...
believe it or not... an exact replica of the Parthenon
as it was in ancient Greece, right in the middle of
downtown Nashville.
I know now why I'm still gathering my wits. It
was a great joy ride, and now it's back in the saddle.
I just need to find it.
Soon, yeah soon... I'll be posting pics of our trip
at my other blog locale "The Way I See It".
Peace and Love.. ain't it good to be back home again.
Posted by
The Artful Eye
7:05 PM
Labels: collage, mixed media collage
Copper-periodic table Cu / Atomic No. 29
Turquoise- hydrous phosphate of copper and aluminum
chemical element CuAl6
Copper healing properties based on metal energy linked
to mental, physical and spirtual health chakras.
Turquoise- the stone of wisdom and spiritual journeys,
self-expression, creativity, peace of mind, spiritual
grounding, absorbs negativity.
Playing around with cold connections, different metals,
assorted beads, jewelry saws, yadda yadda. Filled with
frustration because all of this metal-smithing work is
really new to me and I'm like an immediate gratification,
kinda gal and you need patience...grasshopper...lots of
patience. None of which I have.
It was the end of the day and I had a strip of copper, I
said to myself come on now, how hard can this be.
I rounded the edges of the copper with a file, took
a sharp flat head screw driver, hammered out the
open windows. Pummeled the heck out of it with a
ball peen hammer, bent it around some PVC pipe,
picked up a scrap piece of 18g sterling silver, drew
a bead on each end with a torch, made a few loops
hammered the heck out of it, tested to see if the length
was long enough to go from window opening to window
opening.. hmmm...looked like it might work,looked
over at my stash of beads, spotted the round turquoise
threw it in the middle and cinched up the stone with
copper wire. Done. Half hour max.
I couldn't replicate this if I tried. It was a
copper/turquoise cold-connection spiritual
I think I want to patina it.
May all your days be filled with new and exciting
Thanks for stopping by.
My other blog locale: "The Way I See It"
~ Andrea
Posted by
The Artful Eye
7:04 PM
Labels: bracelet, cold connections, jewelry
My Big Reveal for DisCo
My little BIG book of all things recycled.
The Disintegration Collaboration Project- dreamt up
and hosted by none other than Seth Apter fellow
artist extraordinaire a.k.a. "The Altered Page"
You can read about how DisCo got started here.
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle is the name of my
little BIG book, now a journal and keeper of
The early days
Phase 1
outside in the elements.
First reveal May 1
Tired, patina'd and still holding on.
the final reveal- a new chapter, new design
DisCo Redux
small bundles of recycled painted papers, stiffened
and made into a small signature.
canvas cut in half, small circles now remind me of
the earth, and what we need to do to contribute
to it's health and well being. Reduce, reuse and recycle.
top view
and back. Small coin which used to hang from
canvas tag is a reminder of the small changes we
need to make to make a difference. It is now used
as a closure to this book.
Thank-you for your visits and kind words.
and a special thank-you to Seth for always
inspiring and prodding the artist within each of us.
~ Andrea
Posted by
The Artful Eye
7:08 PM
Labels: Disintegration Collaboration, mixedmedia
I thought it would be apropos to have you listen to the
song that inspired this creation. Ah...the summer of love.
"House of the Rising Sun" at
#2 Melodia Lane
mixed media on wood
18" x 6" x 1 "
asst. ephemera
rubber stamps
acrylic paint
oil pastels
beeswax can only surmise what
lies behind closed doors
our madam is smiling whilst
errant notes speak "look for the sun"
Here at #2 Melodia Lane beyond the
ornate gate the door appears buttoned
tightly, and a light is a glow in the
window, beckons the next caller.
Do you dare?
I'm being silly, these days I feel I don't
need to be precocious. I've enjoyed
my time away, making, doing and just being
after all isn't that what we are supposed to do.
Our world is in a different place these days and
we need to be more observant, more vigilant,
perhaps even play a different role. While our
world is evolving, so must we. What can we do
differently with our days to make them richer
and to calm our souls? How do we interact with
each other?
My hope is that you are all well and in good
space filled with good health and happiness.
I think of you often.
Thank you for your visits and kind words even
while I'm away.
Check out my other blogspot: "The Way I See It"
Posted by
The Artful Eye
3:26 PM
Labels: mixed media collage, wood
Back in January, Seth of "The Altered Page" had a
project in mind, he called it "Disintegration
He wondered what would happen if he created an
art bundle, left it outside, and called on mother
nature to be his collaborator.
Little did he know he would inspire so many more
to join him in this endeavor. Today there are 120+
artists who are playing along. There are art
bundles everywhere- across state lines and
international borders.
On May 1st, we were to reveal our art
bundles to see how they have changed over the
course of several months.
You can see more 'befores' posted on the side
bar of Seth's blog and then visit the individual
artist's blogs to see their 'after' reveals.
Next up... Part II is to use some part
or all of the original (now somewhat disintegrated)
bundles to create a new work of art. No rules.
The next reveal will be August 1st.
The "before" in the wind...
the rain...
and the frost.
The "After" May 1st.
The copper has patina'd and lifted, some papers
have curled or fallen over.
I think the reflective copper tape and hanging
canvas have kept the birds from perching.
Overall the piece has stayed pretty much in tact.
Last week it was 104. So it had a chance to
bake in the sun.
Stay tuned for what comes next.
Thank-you Seth for encouraging us along
with this fun project!
Something to think about:
"Insight into change teaches us to embrace our
experiences without clinging to them -- to get
the most out of them in the present moment
by fully appreciating their intensity, in full
knowledge that we will soon have to let them
go to embrace whatever comes next.
Insight into change teaches us hope. Because
change is built into the nature of things,
nothing is inherently fixed, not even our own
identity. No matter how bad the situation,
anything is possible. We can do whatever we
want to do, create whatever world we want to
live in, and become whatever we want to be."
Posted by
The Artful Eye
5:26 PM
Labels: Disintegration Collaboration, mixed media
mixed media on wood
18" x 6" x 1 "
salvaged ephemera
asst. rubber stamps
acrylic paint
oil pastels
Inspired by fellow artist Lisa Kaus,
a last minute decision to take the day off, and a group of
incredibly talented artist friends... I embarked on a
different sort of extreme home makeover.
I didn't have a name for this house when I started
but it slowly evolved into a "Bird Haus". When
you open the little door you will find a bird's nest.
I really enjoy painting these wood houses and
have already planned a master community. They
are very relaxing to do and a fun way to incorporate
stuff that's been laying around, looking for a home.
You can click on these images to enlarge.
Keep a watchful eye as more of these houses
come to fruition. I always wanted to
be a general contractor, no money down, just
lots of love. Perfect for this economy.
"Blue canary in the outlet by the light switch
Who watches over you
Make a little birdhouse in your soul
Not to put too fine a point on it
Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet
Make a little birdhouse in your soul"
- They Might Be Giants
Thank-you for your visits and kind words.
My other blogspot: "The Way I See It"
Posted by
The Artful Eye
7:23 PM
Labels: mixed media collage
18 x 14 mixed media canvas consisting of:
image transfers, permanent india ink, acrylic paints,
asst. collage fodder, rub-ons, beeswax.
"I am listening but pretending that I'm not,
like I'm living exclusively in my own private world."
What might it feel like to live in our own private world?
Would we invite friends?
What does private mean anyway?
My private world is noisy,
full of thoughts clamoring to be heard
I'm in charge,
free to acknowledge or ignore
sometimes distracting
here alone,
with my thoughts-listening.
Thinking of all you my sweet friends .
My best to you, wherever you are as the seasons
change and we start anew.
Thank- you for your visits and kind words.
My other locale: "The Way I See It"
Posted by
The Artful Eye
7:38 PM
Labels: mixed media
digital collage
Me and my shadow dreaming of a visit to Italy.
I've was going through boxes of slides that I liked to
have scanned to digital and I came across pics of my travel
in Italy in'92. I traveled throughout the country for one
The city of Florence (image used here in my digital collage)
was just one of the many beautiful places I
visited during this time, but the Cinque Terre known
has the "Five lands" was by far one of my favorites
and most memorable. It was here in the town Vernazza
that I stayed in a small fully equipped apartment with a
balcony overlooking the Ligurian sea.
"I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for
travel's sake. The great affair is to move. "
~ Robert Louis Stevenson
I hope your days are filled with all good things.
Thank you for your visits and kindness.
Andrea~ "The Way I See It"
Posted by
The Artful Eye
8:42 PM
Labels: digital collage, Italy, photography
My artist friend Seth over at the Altered Page started a
fun winter project and has encouraged others to play
His project is called Disintegration Collaboration. It is a
art collaboration with mother nature . The premise is to
create a bundle of papers, ephemera etc. and tie it up,
and then place your bundle outdoors to live for a
couple of months.
How will your piece disintegrate and evolve over time
when left at the hands of mother nature? We'll find out.
Here are pics today of my bundle left in the hands of mother nature.
On May 1st, all participating artists will update photos of
their bundles to reveal their evolution over time.
The wind and rain have already taken hold.
My disintegration piece is made up of a block
of scrap wood, copper snail bait tape, spiral shank nails,
piece of scrap canvas, a canadian coin, piece of collage
art cut with circle punch, vintage text, found puzzle piece,
paper flower, used painted towels, wire, eyehooks,
wooden skewers, scrap punchinella, water
soluble oil pastels.
My patio may just turn into a rainbow of color.
I'll be watching and photographing the process.
Thanks for stopping by!
My other blogspot is here: The Way I See It"
Posted by
The Artful Eye
6:09 PM
Labels: altered page, canvas acrylic mixed media, Disintegration Collaboration, Seth
I collect heart-shaped rocks. Are you surprised?
Here is my latest heart find, so I'm sending love to all
of you.
Today should be like any other day, filled with love.
My heart also lives here: "The Way I See It"
Posted by
The Artful Eye
12:53 PM
Labels: photography, random love
30" x 36" Red Rosin paper mixed media collage
Still contemplating what I'll do with this piece.
I'll either make another folded book or tear it
up or..?
I've flipped it over so you can easily get a
glimpse of the other side.
I really enjoy these free-wheeling explorations
into the unknown. This started out as a large
painting of a Madonna and Child. I had stared
at it (unfinished) long enough to decide I was
not satisfied and I needed to move on. She now
lives beneath the many layers of paint and gel
medium. Gone but not forgotten.
Thought for today:
"A good laugh is sunshine in the house"
Hope you all enjoy your week.
Thanks for stopping by!
My other blog: "The Way I See It".
Posted by
The Artful Eye
6:00 AM
Labels: mixed media collage
A peaceful walk in the woods, deafening silence.
No one is home. The only thing you hear is the sound
of the hard-packed snow breaking beneath your feet.
The birds are hibernating. You can see your breath,
so you know you're alive.
"We do not remember days, we remember moments"
c. 1940 -Italian poet, Cesare Pavese
May you all have precious moments that mark your
journey. My best and thank-you for your kind words.
My other blogspot is here: "The Way I See It"
Posted by
The Artful Eye
7:17 PM
Labels: Lake Tahoe, photography
12 x 12 gallery wrapped canvas, paper clay, acrylic paint
vintage mass card
1. an ornamental recess in a wall or the like, usually
semicircular in plan and arched, as for a statue or other
decorative object.
I have always had a great interest in ornate and
decorative, religious art. I started this canvas a few
months ago painted with a black gesso base. I knew
I wanted to create a 'niche' and heavily texture, age
and patina the canvas. I created the canvas texture
with molding paste, acrylic paint and rubber stamps.
I had struggled with the texture and color for some time.
I wanted the niche to be made from Paperclay. Finding
the right consistency for the paperclay to adhere to the
canvas was no easy feat.
I am not a quitter, and I won't go down easy. I fought
with the paperclay and gel medium until I found the
right consistency to create the 'niche' I envisioned.
I wanted it to be ornate and look like metal.
The image of Immaculate Heart of Mary is a vintage
mass card I had collected which I enlarged on the printer
and used as an image transfer onto the canvas.
This painting was an experiment. I am happy with
what I have learned.
Now I'm off to Lake Tahoe, CA Heavenly for some
much needed R & R and a romp in the snow.
Thank you for visiting and sharing your thoughts.
See you soon. My other blog "The Way I See It"
Posted by
The Artful Eye
8:42 PM
Labels: canvas, mixed media