Sunday, July 20, 2008

Putting it all in Perspective

8.5 x 11 cut paper collage

So much going on here past two weeks. My 8 yr. old niece
Nicole had made the All Star team in fast pitch softball.
Their team was second in their 8U division and so they
qualified for the junior Olympics. The California State
Games were held here this past weekend in San Diego at
Qualcomm Stadium. It was a wonderful event for all the kids
and parents. Lots of fun activities interspersed with many
tournament games.

After everyone left of course I managed to catch a cold.
My days at work have been busy, can't seem to catch up.
In trying to keep everything in perspective, I'm managing
to find great pleasure by just relaxing and letting go as I
attempt to find my way back to good health.

I've been working on a few collages, another polymer mosaic
and some jewelry pieces which I hope to post soon.

Now I must venture off to see what all my talented friends
have been up to.

Thought for the day:
"Sometimes in life the glass seems half empty, sometimes
it seems half full, and sometimes the glass is twice as large
as it needs to be."

My best to all of you. I hope you are all enjoying the season.

My other blog locale: "The Way I See It"