9 x 13 Journal Page, Book of Eve
Golden Acrylics
Ink Pen
Oil Pastels for Resist
hand carved-Peace stamp
What this piece might look like if it were a poster, under a black light.
Remember owning one of these?

photoshop redux
The PEACE symbol turns 50 years old, this April on the 4th day, 2008. "This symbol was created by a British pacifist textile designer, Gerard Holtom and made its debut in London's Trafalgar Square where many gathered to support "ban the bomb" movement and to march to Aldermaston where atomic weapons research was being done."
It was originally designed for the DAC (Direct Action Committee Against Nuclear War) and was adopted as its badge for the CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament) in Britain. It was later generalised to be an international icon for the 1960's anti-war movement and adopted by the counterculture of the time.
These were the times, I was present, young and impressionable.
Music to think PEACE by:
John Lennon - Give Peace a Chance
Cat Stevens - Peace Train
Salaam, Shalom, Pace, Paix, Vrede, Frieden, 和平, Paz, Ειρήνη,
Peace Out
To all my friends may you find some peace on the road of life.
"The Way I See It"